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Intellectual Property

The QwikLane Personal Transportaton System incorporates the system design and concepts embodied in five issued patents, each bearing the title “Intelligent Public Transport System Using Dual-Mode Vehicles”.

1. Patent #6,169,954:
Claims describing the overall system and the vehicles

  2. Patent #6,249,724:
Claims concerning the computer control of the vehicles on the system
3. Patent #6,721,985:
Claims related to the construction of the overhead roadway
  4. Patent #6,276,542:
Claims pertaining to the management of the vehicle relative headways
5. Patent #6,198,994:
Claims governing the latitudinal control of the vehicles entering, on and departing the controlled roadway

These patents are issued in the U.S. and in Europe. (View these patents at the U.S. Patent Office web site. Select “Search” under “Patents”; in the next window select “Patent Number Search”, then enter the patent number.  To view in PDF format, use this link: Patent to PDF and simply enter the patent number.)  An additional patent application is pending before the U.S. Patent Office.

Click on each patent number above to view a summary description presenting the breadth of the claims in the patent.  The first of these cases was filed on April 9, 1999, and allfive cases have issued, all with the same title: “Intelligent Public Transport System Using Dual-Mode Vehicles”.  Each of these cases served as a vehicle to prosecute claims for a particular technical aspect of the system.  The summary includes the broadest claims from each case, together with a statement of the technical aspect.