Home Traffic Congestion QwikLane Solution Business Case About
The High Cost of Congestion
“Over the past 20 years the direct costs of traffic congestion grew more than 400% to an estimated $78 billion in 2005.  These costs consist of the time lost to drivers.....
Automation Is the Solution
“Through the course of the 20th Century, automation contributed enormously to growing wealth in the developed world. Automation frees labor from mundane....
• 4.2 billion hours lost in congested highway traffic in 2005.
• 2.9 billion gallons of gasoline wasted idling in congestion in 2005.
• 67 million tons of excess....
 About QwikLane
“QwikLane is a transportation system using compact automobiles equipped with special automatic controls to expedite commuter traffic flow (by holding constant high speed with close spacing) on a low-cost, prefabricated, light-weight, elevated steel guideway; these automobiles retain manual operation for street driving. The system can accommodate more than seven times  the peak traffic of a freeway lane at a fraction of the cost of construction.

The utility of the automobile and the highway system is threatened by congestion along the urban freeways where land to expand is scarce and construction too costly.


Early Technical Installation of Guideway

Early concept of the QwikLane Personal Transportation System technology showing the installation method of a QwikLane Guideway over a highway system.

Proof of Concept

This new Chinese bridge construction provides proof of the QwikLane Personal Transportation System concept designed in 1999 by QLPTS. See additional videos here and here.